Huidong Liu

Applied Scientist
321 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109, USA
huidliu [at] cs [dot] stonybrook [dot] edu
liuhuido [at] amazon [dot] com

About Me

I am an Applied Scientist at Amazon. I received my Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Stony Brook University, advised by Prof. Dimitris Samaras. I am interested in machine learning and computer vision in general, including representation learning, deep generative models, multimodal learning and medical imaging.

Selected Publications

See the full list of publications at my Google Scholar. I publish under Huidong Liu or Hui-Dong Liu.

Academic Services

Reviewer for ICML (2020-), NeurIPS (2020-), ICLR (2022-), CVPR (2020-), ICCV (2021-), ECCV (2020-), AAAI (2021-), etc.

Selected Awards

  • ICML Top Reviewer, 2020
  • ICML Travel Award, 2018